My race plan this year is focused mainly on Olympic/ Standard distance triathlon races and one Ironman 70.3 race. I structured my training program to accomodate 1 major race every 2-3 months starting this February. Since shorter distance races are faster and use more anaerobic energy compared to longer distance races like the Ironman, high intensity/ speed training is a priority.
A regular "weight control" diet would complement a rigorous training program to achieve good results. I started my weight loss regimen with just restricting "unnecessary" calories from junk and processed foods.
I was shocked yesterday when a friend showed me his personal training app from his iPhone. I thought I was eating less than I used to but the app showed me I was consuming more than I should because of 1 specific part of my diet. Nuts! I can't stop eating peanuts. I have them in the car, at home and in the office. I had not realized that they are so calorie dense that I have been putting in more calories than burning them because of these nuts. Thank God for the MyFitnessPal app. I immediately downloaded the app and installed it on my iPad. It takes awhile to start using the program but once you've regularly logged your data it gets faster and easier.
The app recorded training hours and provided calories burned per exercise. It can also record daily food intake with corresponding nutritional facts and your personal physical statistics. Its food and exercise database is enormous that it can even provide me with nutritional facts for my "HUMBA" or "Monggos". The best part about this program is that it is USER friendly. Sign-up for free and your good to go. Wow! An all-in-one FREE app that can truly help us in our training.
If you have a Blackberry phone, iPhone or iPad, android or windows phone you can download the app for FREE (That's Right, FREE! And there is no PAID app so we all get the same app) at Try it! It can really help. Good Luck!