Tuesday, August 17, 2010

CamSur Here we Come!!!

Trained by Cobra Ironman Filipino Elite Defending Champion Noy Jopson, We (Team Reborn) are heading to Camarines Sur for the 2010 Cobra 70.3 Ironman Philippines. We endured. We are determined. We are ready.

We wake-up very early almost everyday to train. We ran under almost all weather conditions. We rode our bikes to distances we never thought we can reach. 

Coach pushed us. He made us bike 90 Km then run 8 Km with fast-slow intervals immediately after. He made us swim 2 Km an hour after running 18 Km. He made us do track workouts almost to the point of exhaustion. He made us swim really hard until we drink pool water more than we can breath air. And he made us do it almost everyday. Rest days meant swimming in the pool for 30 minutes and doing core and strengthening exercises in the gym. Easy days meant running in the treadmill for 90 minutes with increasing pace and elevation or trail running for 21 Km at the "Hills" of Budlaan. Coach was never good with using adjectives like Easy, Moderate or Hard. 

The Pay-off? 

Faster. Higher. Stronger.

The Result? 

 (Dr. Reel - 1st Place Doctors' Category 5th CDU Run)

 (MOVE with AIR Run: Rochelle Tan - 4th Place 4K Open, Tyrone Tan - 8th Place 8K Open, Joseph Miller - 4th Place 8K Open and Reel - 5th Place 8K Open)

(Jung and Tenggoy finished strong at Matabungkay Tri-King with Coach Noy)
Team Reborn is now ready for the Cobra 70.3 Ironman Philippines. 
Thank you Coach!!!


  1. Wow. Congrats and good luck for Camsur.

  2. Good luck doc!

    Go Team Reborn!

  3. go team reborn! go team cebu!

  4. Mon, good luck ninyong tanan. =) It's really the next frontier for many of us -- doing the triathlon. Wa gyud nimo ang-anga 70.3 gyud. Can't wait for your race recap.

  5. goodluck doc and team reborn! make Cebu proud!

  6. Thanks reel! It's inspiring to work with the passionate and dedicated athletes of Team Reborn!

    Godspeed to all of us in Camsur!

  7. Good luck at CamSur Doc Reel. I've heard what Team Reborn has endured. You are all ready for sure! I'm positive you, Tenggoy, Anna, Jung, Joseph, Tyrone and the great Noy will make Cebu proud. Godspeed!

  8. good luck Team Reborn..God bless you on the upcoming 70.3 Ironman Philippines!!! our prayers will be on you!!

  9. Congratulations Raymund and Team Reborn as well as all the participants this past weekend. What a great weekend all of you had!




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Call / Text / Email: (0922)826-6865 docreelbontol@gmail.com