Tuesday, April 6, 2010

APRIL is my RACE month

Fun Runs have been scheduled every week after Easter Sunday. Runners have slowly increased at the Abellana Track, I.T Park and the Cebu Business Park (AYALA). Not even the HOLY Week can stop Cebuanos from running.

I am no exception. I need to increase my base run mileage from a lazy 15-20K/week to at least 40K/week. I will have to do this without disrupting my scheduled swim and cycling training. I need to increase leg power for my runs since I have noticed that lately my races are slowly losing speed. I need to regain my 10K pace of 4:30-4:40 mins/km before races start. I am scheduled to join all weekend races this month and the Takbong Urology Run which is scheduled on a Friday. These races include Takbong Urology (4/09), PIA Run  (4/11), Great Lapu-Lapu Run (4/18) and the Speedo National Age Group Triathlon event on the last Sunday of the month.

I am really excited. After running against fellow doctors on the Takbong Urology Run, I will  run Pinay in Action (PIA) and pace for a friend on her first 10K race. I am also helping another friend run her first 5K race. The Pinay in Action race will therefore be my guage on how well I trained my two friends. Safe and Injury-Free Running is our goal. Although the PIA race was initially organized to accept only female runners, the organizers revised the rules and allowed males to join the race. Run Check, PIA Race organizers, say it will be an opportunity for males to pace for their female counterparts and/or enjoy the "view". I totally agree. A Non-Exclusive Female Race will gather all the beautiful and sexy (not to mention Healthy) cebuanas in one place to run. Forget LOFT or PENTHOUSE, this is it!!! A Souvenir Shirt instead of the usual singlet also makes this race unique. This April 11, Reel Runner will be running for all FIlipino women. Go PINK!!
A week after the PIA race, I will run and try to beat my last year's PR for the Great Lapu-Lapu Run (GLLR). Organized by 2 of the most famous people in the running community, Noy Jopson and Raffy Uytiepo, this race is shaping up to be the 2nd biggest race in the VIsayas. Since 2008, Races have been forbidden to use the Marcelo Fernan bridge as part of the route and was only used by runners doing their LSD training  runs. This year, the 21K route for the GLLR will include the Marcelo Fernan bridge and the park beneath it. Runners will be crossing the channel to Mandaue City and witness Cebu's sunrise from the top of the new bridge. The GLLR will also be the first race outside Metro Manila to use Timing Chips for both 10K and 21K category. Runners who missed the Cebu City Marathon Timing Chip may now experience the accuracy and precision of the ChampionChip. The Assembly area will also be world class as Mactan Hotels will join the festivites and serve breakfast for the runners. Non-Cebu Runners will also be happy to hear that participating hotels* are giving special rates to race participants. Raffle prizes will also be given away as sponsors like Timex and Terra Plana (Makers of Vivo Barefoot Shoes) will be providing gift items. The GLLR also promises to send the  TOP FILIPINO  21K Male and Female Runner to the 2011 Hong Kong Marathon. Running personalities will flock this event as confirmed runners include Marathon Couple Dr. Yong and Donna Larrazabal, MarathonFoodie Haide Acuna and the BullRunner herself, Jaymie Pizarro. Elite runners from other parts of the country are also expected to join. Fireworks, shuttle bus transfers, ample parking space and a courtesy booth was also announced. This year's GLLR will definitely be better than last year. The ChampionChip timing chip, Food, Festivities, Prizes/ raffles and the unique route will definitely be a memorable experience.

A week after the GLLR, I will return to Mactan for my first try at the Triathlon. I will be joining the sprint distance event by Speedo (National Age Group Triathlon) under 30-34 category. I will finish. That's all I ask. The course will follow a 1KM swim inside Plantation Bay Resort and proceed to the 30KM bike and end with a 7.5KM Running sprint to the finish line. This event will be part of my preparation for the CamSur 70.3 miles Ironman Philippines event on August 22, 2010.

 *Complete List of Hotel rates and packages at GLLR homepage at http://www.greatlapulapurun.com/ or at Facebook page "The Great Lapu-Lapu Run."


  1. ok here is how it goes, for out of town registrants: download the entry form from website or facebook site,

    make payment to PNB SA# 120 416 700010 acct name: Celnan Jopson

    make sure you get a duplicate copy of the deposit slip as proof of payment. Scan this together with completed entry form

    email to Noy Jopson, race director GLLR at njopson@yahoo.com put "ATTN GLLR Entry" on the Subject line. That's it, deadline is April 13, Tuesday.

    pick up race packet and sign waiver at Ayala Active Zone by Sat, April 17, evening before the race 8pm.

    take advantage of our Hotel Promo rates and ongoing Cebu Pacific seat sale!

    See you in Lapu-Lapu!

  2. Hi Sir Reel, do you know the route for the bike and run leg for the Speedo NAGT?

  3. Hi... Im sorry but i do not know the routes... Try Sugbutriathlon website...thanks

  4. Busy month for you Doc, good luck with all of them :)




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Call / Text / Email: (0922)826-6865 docreelbontol@gmail.com